kid and donkey
kid and donkey

At each age, a different pleasure
A trek with a donkey is a great experience for all , especially for children.
For a small child, donkey will be "meeting" of the holidays: an important event of which he will speak for months.
An older child will also be sensitive to the discovery of the mountain environment, he will watch the marmots, and birds of prey, and fish in the creek.
A teen likes discovery of Nature and the sporty side of this walk.
To have a good trek, you must choose the gone adapted to your wishes, to the capacities of your family, especially children.
With a donkey, you don't not always go faster or farther, you walk differently on another rhythm.
less than 3 years old
Your kid is less than 3 years old

What is this big animal with long ears?
For your child, this walk is the opportunity for a first encounter with a donkey. A few hugs, a little tour of a few minutes on his back, well held by an adult, just to try, time to do a souvenir photo ...
Your hike will be rather short, especially if your little one is still a baby.
Equip yourself to protect you from the vagaries of weather.
It is high in the mountain: when the sky is blue, the sun shines a lot and when it's overcast, the temperatue can be cool.
Less than 3 years, your child is too small to be carried by the donkey's back. He gets tired, it tends to fall asleep, he is distracted and does not hold to the pack-saddle.
So you have to carry him !
Bring a baby carrier or sling to be worn on your back.
The donkey will bring the picnic or older children.
3 to 9 years old
Your child is between 3 and 9 years old

Le roi de la randonnée!
King of the day!
Obviously, at that age, you dream only of being on the donkey's back, after a small moment of "approach", of course!
And the day will pass without hearing "it's too long, I'm tired!"
Because today is the "trek for children", a real hike, but one that will leave them with great memories ... "Day with the donkey", it's still the best day of holidays ...
Child rides the donkey under the responsibility of accompanying adults.
We advise you to equip it with a headset.
He must be able to hold pack- saddle, kind of wooden saddle that is placed on the donkey.
When a child is on the back of a donkey, an adult must drive the donkey with the provided rope.
The child who is on the back of the donkey, does'nt move. So, make sure he is warmly dressed, especially if the weather is a bit fresh because he will cool faster than adults who walks by his side.
more than 9 years old
Your child is more than 9 years old

I drive the donkey!
Each summer we see coming back, a lot of little smeared faces !
The hike is ended, children brush the donkey before putting him in his fence and, then, when they wiped their tears with dirty hands, the result is pretty spectacular ... hard, hard to leave the companion of a day.
Older children or teens find easily the contact with this animal so patient, so attentive to the confidence whispered in his ear. Therefore, they will be , for the day, "leaders of donkeys."
A beautiful thistle near the way? donkey will go to eat it because he knows that his little chief of a day is not very severe. That's also the pleasure of the day!
Beyond 9-10 years old, children prefer to drive the donkey rather than climb on his back because we are not equipped for riding, and the kid on the donkey can not lead him: the donkey must be hold with the rope by a person walking.
That's why great children prefer walking.
and old children...
And those who are not exactly children...

Kisses and confidences, hugs and whispers...
Such large ears, it's well done to listen!
A girl giving a nice kiss on the cheek of a donkey, the picture is lovely.
When it comes from a man looking like a rugbyman, it is touching and funny.
Of course, we could very well carry the picnic on our backs but we really wanted to have a donkey with us, just wanted a "trek like no other."
We just wanted to find the pleasure of contact with the animal, a simple, childlike pleasure that makes you forget everything else: the concerns and demands of work, the hazards of life.
Just wanted to enjoy a day in nature, quiet, timeless, in a beautiful, airy space.
Just wanted to find a new breath ...