Sixty donkeys are living in our farm. Most donkeys are "donkeys of Pyrenees" , the local breed but, of course, all colors are permitted if the character is sweet and brave.
20 years ago, when we bought our first donkeys, it was not easy to find, the species was scarce in France. Fortunately, lived in Foix, one of the major traders in horses and donkeys in Pyrenees, which allowed us to find our first companions who are now in retreat.
Today, those who go out hiking, or about 35, were born here.
They are accustomed to the "atmosphere" of the farm, their counterparts among whom they have their affinities, the harsh climate of Haute-Ariege, and of course the three farmers whose they know perfectly the voice caresses and habits

fresh grass at Appy

good friends

carriage of sherperd luggages

birth of a plush
Donkeys' life at La Ferme Aux anes, is fairly easy: you work a few weeks per year. You carry the luggages of shepherds and cowherds in june and later, bags and children of hikers. The rest of the time you walk in the great parks of the farm, on the sunny side of the mountain and enjoy the grass given by Mother Nature or hay distributed by and Yves and David.
Each year, a few donkeys give birth to cute little donkeys, looking like alive plush .